22 Jan 2017

Blowdry Reinvented

Trying to achieve that perfectly-finished blowdry sans the professionally-trained hairdresser is easier said than done, and requires a helping hand in the form of creams, powders and primers.. basically whatever you can get your hands on, and then some. Not all of us can afford to give the time nor money to be getting our hair done week-in, week-out; striving to maintain undone waves, lifted locks and that subtle sleekness that hair salons have the knack of creating is a plight in itself. Come winter, stepping out the house without giving my hair any attention post-washing typically results in an all-day top knot to hide my sins, which can get a little same-y by mid-January, so I've been relying on shop-bought help to get me through..

I've been using Bumble and Bumble products ever since the brand appeared on my radar, particularly the salt-spray in summer and cult Brilliantine creme all year round to emulate slept-in, tousled locks; they're my go-to brand when it comes to D-I-Y styling without hassle. Pret-a-Powder is an innovative take on dry-shampoo and works to add texture and lift second-day-hair; right about the time when you're umm-ing and ahh-ing as to whether you should have washed it before venturing out. Like they say, the best things come in small (but mighty) packages and this palm-sized bottle answers my flat-hair conundrum time and time again. I've had a reluctant relationship with hairspray ever since my school days when it only made it's appearance in getting those ringlet-esque curls to stay in place all night, no matter how dry and crispy it gets. The Does It All styling spray has reignited my faith, being a much subtler, lighter formula (no crackling curls in sight), and works wonders in making those waves hold a little longer. Unfortunately not one of those blessed with hair that's naturally perfect, a little help in the form of heated tools goes a long way in my book and signs of damage are never far away if I don't use proper heat protection. Hairdresser's Invisible Oil works as a heat/UV protective primer on either dry or damp hair pre-styling, and helps to relax me in the knowledge that I'm not completely frazzling the ends of my hair day-in-day-out. As the formula is infused with six oils, it also helps to soften your hair and tame any fly-aways. Another step in obtaining that DIY just-stepped-out-of-the-hairdressers look is the All-Style Blowdry; a creme that 'does it all' in the haircare world, and no sane person would be without it when stepping out of the shower. Softening, shine and sleekness-inducing, it bridges that gap between just-washed and finished hair. 

If you follow me over on Instagram you might have noticed that I've finally succumb to having my hair highlighted in the hope of bringing it back to life this winter. I have always found it difficult to splash out in the hairdressers, no matter in how desperate need my locks are in, as it always feels like such a huge detriment to my bank balance. Ironically, I have probably spent more over time on products for my hair opposed to the actual colour and cut itself, which is pretty backwards. Being blonde especially requires high-maintenance in attaining a non-brassy, scandi-type colouring and in the past I've had a couple of traumas in the process of achieving this. But, I've finally come to my senses and vowing this year to actually take care of my hair, including colour maintenance on a regular basis; looking at it as more of an investment, I might finally be happy with it. 

You can shop the post here:

All photos are my own.

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